Total VI Celebration 50% off Total VI MAX bundle: Promo ends March 31, 2022.

Through March 31, IK is offering 50% off Total VI MAX. Lots of inspiration, especially if you already like their products.

Total VI MAX represents a complete collection of virtual instruments by IK Multimedia.

Ranging from bass and drums to keyboards and orchestral sounds, everything is in Total VI MAX  : 

Total VI MAX packs over 15,500 instruments, including IK's SampleTank 4 MAX with 16 new libraries, the new SampleTron 2, Miroslav Philharmonik 2 and Syntronik 2, which work equally as standalone applications or as libraries inside SampleTank 4. Plus there's Hammond B-3X, MODO DRUM 1.0 and MODO BASS. 

Shop IK's online store today in LINK below and save. Promo ends March 31, 2022.


50% off IK's Total VI MAX bundle

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